Moose Swap, a service of the Maine Professional Guides Association

Looking for an Awesome way to Swap your Maine Moose Permit?

Moose Swap by Maine Professional Guides Association allows you to search through our extensive collection of 2025 permits to find the perfect permit to swap with someone.

How's it Work? Create an Account

Being drawn in the moose permit lottery is an all too rare event and hunters frequently receive permits in zones that they are not familiar with or want to hunt.

Why MooseSwap?

$39.95, developed by the Maine Professional Guides Association, allows hunters to easily create an account, for $39.95, or login to their existing account to search through a collection of permits that others would like to swap. All you need is the details of your permit and the permit you'd like to have. for $39.95, or login to their existing account to search through a collection of permits.

Learn More on how MooseSwap Works?

Features of MooseSwap

Easy to Use

Since you'd rather be preparing for your hunt instead of trying to figure out a complicated application we have designed our application to provide you with easy to use features that will get you back into the great outdoors sooner.

Quick Search

Our quick and easy search utility will help you find that permit you're looking for. Once you found the one you want go ahead and mark it as pending. Your fellow hunter will be notified of your permit swap request.

Our Sponsors

What others are saying

" was an easy way to find the moose permit I wanted"

Chris T

About the Lottery

Maine's moose population is estimated to be over 60,000 animals. The state annually issues over 3000 permits. Hunter success rates hover right around 70 percent, depending on district and several moose per season will exceed 1000 pounds in weight.

More information is available from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

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© 2011-2025 Moose Swap, a service of the Maine Professional Guides Association All Rights Reserved.
developed & designed by: sephone interactive media